
Transforming SMEs in Creative Sectors through Business Model Innovation

Reinvent examined how SMEs in creative sectors – SMEs operating in both digital and non-digital markets – can implement business model innovation as a means to enhance competitive advantage, and put this knowledge into practice in three SMEs. Reinvent evaluated business model innovation as a competitive tool for European SMEs through empirical research among SMEs in Poland, Denmark and Iceland.


Funded by

Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Program (IAPP)




The Reinvent Project


Transforming SMEs in Creative Sectors through Business Model Innovation


Two birds with one stone: the quest for addressing both business goals and social needs with innovation (Candi, M., Melia, M. and Colurcio, M., 2019, Journal of Business Ethics)

Understanding and innovating business models: some basic methodological issues (Jasienski, M, Rzeznik, M. and Candi, M., 2013, in “Innovations in Management and Production Engineering”)

Business models rethought: applying the heuristic methods of Altshuller and Osborn to improve an organization’s fitness in a variable environment (Jasienski, M. and Rzeznik, M., 2014, in “Organization in changing environment. Conditions, methods and management practices”)

Building Bridges between Business Model Concepts: the Canvas and Doblins’s Ten Types (Jasienski, M. and Rzeznik, M., 2016, in “Innowacje w zarzadzaniu i inzynierii produkcji”)

Citation analysis as a practical tool for managers and entrepreneurs: selected scientometric concepts relevant for business model improvement (Jasieński, M., 2013, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyzszej Szkoly Bankowej w Poznaniu)

Bridging the academia-industry gap while innovating: Two example projects (Jasienski, M., Candi, M. and Rzeznik, M., 2013, in “Processes and Project Management”)

B2B negotiation tactics in creative sectors (Sigurdardottir, A.G., Ujwary-Gil, A. and Candi, M., 2018, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing)

Growth strategies in creative industries (Sigurdardottir, M.S. and Candi, M., 2019, Creativity and Innovation Management)

Saying and doing: Social responsibility declared and applied (Sigurdsson, K. and Candi, M., 2020, Creativity and Innovation Management)

Analyzing business model components using the sensitivity model (Ujwary-Gil A. and Candi, M., 2014, in “Ujwary-Gil A. Nalepka A. (eds.), Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers' Demands, Volume 13”)


Common Good First


Social Innovation